Publications Annalisa Molini's citations

   author = {Konings A. G. and Feng X. and Molini A. and Manzoni S. and  Vico G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Thermodynamics of an idealized hydrologic cycle},
   journal = {Water Resources Research},
   volume = {48},
   pages = "{W05527}",
   doi = {10.1029/2011WR011264},
   url = {},
   year = {2012}

   author = {Cava D. and Katul G. G. and Molini A. and Elefante C.},
   title = {The role of surface characteristics on intermittency and zero-crossing properties of atmospheric turbulence},
   journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres},
   volume = {117},
   pages = "{D01104}",
   doi = {10.1029/2011JD016167},
   url = {},
   year = {2012}

   author = {Detto M. and Molini A. and Katul G. G. and Stoy P. and Palmroth S. and Baldocchi D.},
   title = {Causality and Persistence in Ecological Systems: A Nonparametric Spectral Granger Causality Approach},
   journal = {American Naturalist},
   volume = {179},
   number = {4},
   pages = {524--535},
   doi = {10.1086/664628},
   url = {},
   year = {2012}

   author = {Manzoni S. and Molini A. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Stochastic modelling of phytoremediation},
   journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences},
   volume = {467},
   number = {2135},
   pages = {3188--3205},
   doi = {10.1098/rspa.2011.0209},
   url = {},
   year = {2011}

   author = {Molini A. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Revisiting rainfall clustering and intermittency across different climatic regimes},
   journal = {Water Resources Research},
   volume = {45},
   pages = "{W11403}",
   doi = {10.1029/2008WR007352},
   url = {},
   year = {2009}

   author = {Molini A. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Causality across rainfall time scales revealed by continuous wavelet transforms},
   journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres},
   volume = {115},
   pages = "{D14123}",
   doi = {10.1029/2009JD013016 },
   url = {},
   year = {2010}

   author = {Molini A. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Scale-wise evolution of rainfall probability density functions fingerprints the rainfall generation mechanism},
   journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
   volume = {37},
   pages = "{L07403}",
   doi = {10.1029/2010GL042634},
   url = {},
   year = {2010}

   author = {Molini A. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {Maximum discharge from snowmelt in a changing climate},
   journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},
   volume = {38},
   pages = "{L05402}",
   doi = {10.1029/2010GL046477},
   url = {},
   year = {2011}

   author = {Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.},
   title = {On the properties of stochastic intermittency in rainfall processes},
   journal = {Water Science and Technology},
   volume = {45},
   number = {2},
   pages = {35--40},
   url = {},
   year = {2002}

   author = {Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.},
   title = {Correlation patterns and information flows in rainfall fields},
   journal = {Journal of Hydrology},
   volume = {322},
   number = {1-4},
   pages = {89--104},
   doi ={10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.02.041},
   url = {},
   year = {2006}

   author = {Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Stagi L.},
   title = {Rainfall intermittency and the sampling error of tipping-bucket rain gauges},
   journal = {Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part C-Solar-Terrestial and Planetary Science},
   volume = {26},
   number = {10-12},
   pages = {737--742},
   doi ={10.1016/S1464-1917(01)95018-4},

   url = {},
   year = {2001}

   author = {Molini A. and Lanza L. G. and La Barbera P.},
   title = {Improving the accuracy of tipping-bucket rain records using disaggregation techniques},
   journal = {Atmospheric Research},
   volume = {77},
   number = {1-4},
   pages = {203--217},
   doi ={10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.12.013},
   url = {},
   year = {2005}

   author = {Molini A. and Lanza L. G. and La Barbera P.},
   title = {The impact of tipping-bucket raingauge measurement errors on design rainfall for urban-scale applications},
   journal = {Hydrological Processes},
   volume = {19},
   number = {5},
   pages = {1073--1088},
   doi ={10.1002/hyp.5646},
   url = {},
   year = {2005}

   author = {Molini A. and Talkner P. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.},
   title = {First passage time statistics of Brownian motion with purely time dependent drift and diffusion},
   journal = {Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications},
   volume = {390},
   number = {11},
   pages = {1841--1852},
   doi = {10.1016/j.physa.2011.01.024},
   url = {},
   year = {2011}

   author = {Ramirez-Cobo P. and Lee K. S. and Molini A. and Porporato A. and Katul G. G. and Vidakovic B.},
   title = {A wavelet-based spectral method for extracting self-similarity measures in time-varying two-dimensional rainfall maps},
   journal = {Journal of Time Series Analysis},
   volume = {32},
   number = {4},
   pages = {351--363},
   doi ={10.1111/j.1467-9892.2011.00731.x},
   url = {},
   year = {2011}

 author = "Berretta C. and Gnecco I.  and Molini A. and Palla A. and and Lanza L. G. and La Barbera and P.",
 title = "On the efficiency of catch basin inserts for storm water runoff treatment",
 booktitle= "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 11{ICUD}, Edinburgh",
 volume = "31",
 pages = "--",
 month = sep,
 year = 2008
 author = "Molini A. and Berretta C. and Cattaneo C. and Furfaro M. and Gnecco I.  and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Rovatti M.",
 title = "A laboratory intercomparison of distributed stormwater treat- ment device",
booktitle = "NOVATECH 2007, 6th international conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management, {Lyon} ({France}), {June} 25-28",
 volume = "2",
 pages = "719--726",
 year = 2007

 author = "Berretta C. and Molini A. and Gnecco I.  and Lanza L. G. and La Barbera P.",
 title = "Sull’efficienza dei sistemi distribuiti per il trattamento delle acque meteoriche in caditoia",
booktitle = "Atti di {Acqua} e {Citta`}, {II} {Convegno} {Nazionale} {Idraulica} {Urbana}", {Chia, CA} ({Italy}), {September} 25-28 2007, (in {Italian})",
pages = "--",
 year = 2007

@inproceedings {molini2006information,
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Information measures and the intermittent behavior of rainfall patterns in time and space",
 booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th {International} {Workshop} on {Precipitation} in {Urban} {Areas}, {Sant} {Moritz} ({Switzerland})",
 pages = "203--207",
 year = 2006

 author = "Molini A. and Cassini G. and Lanza L. G. and Stagi L.",
 title = "Dealing with uncertainty in rain- fall gauges calibration: the {QM}-{RIM} metrological validation",
booktitle = "Proceedings of {TECO}2005",
 volume = "20",
pages = "--",
 year = 2005

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. ",
 title = "Affidabilita dell’Informazione {Pluviometrica} nella {Stima} delle {Piogge} di {Progetto} dei {Sistemi} di {Drenaggio} {Urbano}",
booktitle = "I {Convegno} {Nazionale} di {Idraulica} {Urbana}, {Sant}’Agnello ({Italy}), {September} 28-30 2005, {CD}-{Rom}",
 volume = "16",
pages = "--",
 year = 2005

@inproceedings {molini2003improving,
 author = " Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Improving the Accuracy of Rain Intensity Records by Disaggregation Techniques",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, Pontresina (Switzerland), December 4-7",
 pages = "146--152",
 year = 2003

 author = " Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. ",
 title = "Intermittenza e flussi d’informazione complessi all’interno del processo di precipitazione spazio temporale",
booktitle = "Atti del {XXVIII} {Convegno} {Nazionale} di {Idraulica} e {Costruzioni} {Idrauliche}, {Potenza} ({Italy})",
 volume = "2",
 pages = "337--348",
 year = 2002

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Stagi L.",
 title = "L’errore sistematico meccanico dei pluviometri a vaschette basculanti: ricostruzione e correzione delle se- rie storiche",
booktitle = "Atti del {XXVIII} {Convegno} {Nazionale} di {Idraulica} e {Costruzioni} {Idrauliche}, {Potenza} ({Italy})",
 volume = "1",
 pages = "139--148",
 year = 2002

 author = "Coniglio D. and Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Real time control and management of the urban drainage system in the town of {Genova}",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd {International} {Conference} - {New} trends in water and environmental engineering for safety and life: {Eco}-compatible solutions for aquatic {Environments}, {Capri} ({Italy}), {June} 24-28 2002",
 volume = "12",
pages = "--",
 year = 2002

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Linear And Non-Linear Information Flows In Space-Time Rainfall",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Flood Defence ({ISFD}2002), Beijing (China), September 10-13 2002",
 volume = "I",
 pages = "545--553",
 year = 2002

 author = "Coniglio D. and Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Non Invasive Defence Structures In The Urban Environment: A Case Study",
 booktitle = "Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Flood Defence ({ISFD}2002), Beijing (China), September 10-13 2002",
 volume = "II",
 pages = "1347--1356",
 year = 2002
 author ="Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = " A few stochastic properties of rainfall intermittency in space and time ",
 booktitle = " {Proceeding} of {Plinius} {Conference} on {Mediterranean} {Storms}, {Siena} ({Italy}), {October} 16--18, 2000",
 pages = "337--348",
 year = 2001

@inproceedings {molini2000simplified,
 author = "Molini A. and Festa R.",
 title = "A simplified model for meteorological now-casting",
booktitle = "Proceeding of Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Maratea (Italy) October 14-16 1999",
 pages = "157--168",
 year = 2000

 author = "Molini A.",
 title = "Analisi della struttura probabilistica di eventi pluviometrici osservati ad elevata risoluzione temporale, con particolare riguardo alla struttura dell’intermittenza (In Italian)",
booktitle = " {Atti} del {XXVII} {Convegno} {Nazionale} di {Idraulica} e {Costruzioni} {Idrauliche}, {Genova} ({Italy})",
 volume = "II",
pages = "--",
 year = 2000

 author = "Stagi L. and Molini A.",
 title = "Risposta di strumenti pluviometrici ad eventi sintetici di pioggia",
booktitle= "Atti del {XXVII} {Convegno} {Nazionale} di {Idraulica} e {Costruzioni} {Idrauliche}, {Genova} ({Italy})",
 volume = "II",
pages = "--",
 year = 2000

@inproceedings {molini2000ontheproperties,
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "On the properties of stochastic intermittency in rainfall processes",
 booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Rainfall in Urban Areas",
 month = dec,
pages = "--",
 year = 2000

 author = "Molini A. and Hassan A. S. and Katul G. G. and Porporato A.",
 title = "{ENSO} and {Indian Ocean Dipole} signatures in the history of {Indian}-{Pakistani} severe floods",
 booktitle = "AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 2010, Abstract",
 pages = "H24C-04",
 year = 2011

 author = "Porporato A. and Molini A. and Hassan A. S.",
 title = "Impact of complex climatic interactions on {Pakistan} flood risk",
 booktitle = "World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Palm Springs, California, May 22-26",
pages = "-- ", 
year = 2011

 author = "Molini A. and Porporato A. and Katul G.",
 title = "A Stochastic-Dynamical Approach to Snow Accumulation-Melting in a Changing Climate",
 booktitle = "AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 2010, Abstract",
 pages = "961457",
 year = 2010
 author = "Porporato A. and Manzoni S. and Molini A. and Rigby JR and Vico G.",
 title = "{Biologically}- defined extremes: survival and ecosystem changes under climate change",
 booktitle = "Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2010 (Invited)",
 volume = "12",
pages = "-- ", 
year = 2010
 author = "Molini A. and Katul G. and Porporato A.",
 title = "Scale-wise evolution of rainfall probability density functions fingerprints the rainfall generation mechanism",
 booktitle = "Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2010",
 volume = "12",
pages = "-- ", 
year = 2010
 author = "Katul G. and Molini A. and Porporato A.",
 title = "Causal signatures in rainfall cascade: a wavelet approach",
booktitle = "Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2010",
 volume = "12",
pages = "-- ", 
 year = 2010
 author = "Molini A. and Katul G. and Porporato A.",
 title = "Causality in Rainfall Cascades",
 booktitle = "AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 2009",
 year = 2009

 author = "Porporato A. and Daly E. and Molini A. and Rigby J. R. and Katul G.",
 title = "Scaling and intermittency in rainfall models with state dependent noise",
 booktitle = "Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2008 (Invited)",
 volume = "10",
pages = " EGU2008-A-10242 ", 
year = 2008

 author = "Molini A. and Katul G. and Porporato A.",
title = "Causality, Scale {Dependence} and {In}- termittency {Build}-up {Across} {Rainfall} {Time} {Scales}: a {Wavelet} {Approach}",
booktitle ="{AEos} {Trans}. {AGU} Fall Meet. Suppl.",
volume = "89",
number = "53",
year = 2008

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "The role of uncertainty and accuracy of measured data in the assessment of climatological patterns from rainfall time series",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts",
 volume = "9",
 pages = "06651",
 year = 2007

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Binary signal characteristics as a tool for the interpretation of the intermittent structure of rainfall in space and time",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts",
 volume = "9",
 pages = "06726",
 year = 2007

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "the key role of intermittency in rainfall disaggregation schemes",
 booktitle = "{IUGG} 2007 Perugia - {XXIV} {IUGG} General Assembly, Perugia (Italy), July 2-13 2007",
pages = "--",
 year = 2007

 author = "Vuerich E. and Malaspina F. and Foti F. and Daddario G. and Molini A. and Stagi L. and Lanza L.",
 title = "Intercalibrazione mondiale degli strumenti per la misura dell’ intensita` di precipitazione: un laboratorio a cielo aperto (in Italian)", ,
 booktitle = "Proceedings of the Italian Society of Physics National Assembly, Pisa (Italy), September 24-29 2007",
pages = "--",
 year = 2007
 author = "Molini A. and Lanza L. G. and La Barbera P.",
 title = "Hydrologic implications of rain intensity measurement errors from presently operational gauges",
 booktitle = "11th {In}- ternational {Conference} on {Urban} {Drainage}, 11{ICUD}, {Edinburgh}, {August} 31 – {September} 5 2008",
pages = "--",
 year = 2007
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Independent components analysis: an application to the study of rainfall field in space and time",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts",
 volume = "8",
 pages = "09227",
 year = 2006

 author = "Lanza L. G. and Molini A. and Stagi L. and Malaspina F. and Foti F. and Vuerich E. and Casu G. and Beltrano C.",
 title = "The influence of rainfall intensity measurement errors on the climatological interpretation of historic rain series",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts",
 volume = "8",
 pages = "09111",
 year = 2006

 author = "Lanza L. G. and Molini A. and Stagi L. and Cassini G.",
 title = "Correction techniques for tipping-bucket rain gauges and their influence on the accuracy of rain intensity measurements",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts",
 volume = "8",
 pages = "08938",
 year = 2006
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Climatological patterns from rainfall time series: the role of uncertainty and accuracy of measured data",
 booktitle = "7th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas",
pages = "--",
 year = 2006
 author = "De Bartolo S. G. and Decamp N. and De Michele C. and Molini A. and Primavera L.",
 title = "Multifractal analysis of rainfall time series: uncertainty assessment and drawbacks through different fixed-size techniques",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts 2005",
pages = "--",
 year = 2005
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Design rainfall and accuracy of rain intensity records",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts 2003",
 volume = "5",
 pages = "12832",
 year = 2003

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Patterns and prediction in rain- fall field: an information theory approach",
 booktitle = "Proceedings of Hydrofractals 2003, Fractals in Hydrosciences, Ascona (Switzerland), August 24-29 2003",
pages = "38--39",
 year = 2003
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Stagi L.",
 title = "The influence of measurement errors on rainfall disaggregation (Young Scientist’s Award for Europeans - YSTA)",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts 2002",
pages = "--",
 year = 2002
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Linear and non-linear information flows in rainfall field",
 booktitle = "EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts 2002",
pages = "--",
 year = 2002

 author = "Berretta C. and Gnecco I.  and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Molini A.",
 title = "An experimental catchment for first flush flows in the town of {Genova}",
 booktitle = " TIES 2002: Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society, Genova (Italy), June 18 – 22, 2002 ",
 pages = "--",
 year = 2002
 author = "Cerisola D. and Vallebona  A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G. and Molini A. and Stagi L.",
 title = "An automatic device for dynamic calibration of tipping bucket rain gauges",
booktitle = " TIES 2002: Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society, Genova (Italy), June 18 – 22, 2002 ",
 pages = "--",
 year = 2002

 author = "Molini A. and Lanza L. G. and Stagi, L.",
 title = "The influence of intermittency on tipping bucket rain gauge measurements",
booktitle = "{EGS} General Conference, Geophysical Research Abstracts 2001",
pages = "--",
year = 2001
 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "A stochastic approach to the analysis of intermittency in high resolution rain signals",
 booktitle = "{EGS} General Conference, Geophysical Research Abstracts 2001",
pages = "--",
year = 2001

 author = "Molini A. and La Barbera P. and Lanza L. G.",
 title = "Entropy and correlation in temporal rainfall process",
 booktitle = "{Seventh} {International} {Conference} on {Precipitation} - {Observations}, {Estimation}, and {Prediction} of {Precipitation} {Variability} at {All} {Scales}, {Rockport}, {Maine} ({USA})",
pages = "--",
 year = 2001

 author = "Molini A.",
 title = "Intermittence statistical structure in pluviometric time series observed at high resolution ({Abstract})",
 booktitle = "EGS General Conference, Geophysical Research Abstracts 2000",
pages = "--",
 year = 2000
 author = "Molini A. and Stagi L.",
 title = "Rain gauges response to synthetic rainfall events ({Abstract})",
 booktitle = "EGS General Conference, Geophysical Research Abstracts 2000",
pages = "--",
 year = 2000

author = "Molini A.",
title     =     “A simple model for the Oceanic Now-casting (Un semplice modello per il Now-casting Oceanico) -- In Italian”, 
type ="{MS} Thesis",
organization = "--",
school     =     "{Universita` degli Studi di Genova} ({Italy})",
year     =     {1998}

author = "Molini A.",
title = "Analysis of the non-linear characteristics of the rainfall process, with particular regard to its intermittent structure (Analisi delle caratteristiche non lineari del processo di precipitazione con particolare riguardo alla struttura di intermittenza) -- In Italian",
type ="{PhD} dissertation",
organization = "--",
School = "{Universita` degli Studi di Genova} and {Universita` della Basilicata} ({Italy})",
year = 2002

author = "Molini A.",
title = "WMO Field Inter--comparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges",
type = "Vigna di {Valle}, {Rome}, {Italy}, {Mid} 2007 -- {Mid} 2008, {Data} {Manager} {Technical} {Report}",
institution="World Meteorological Organization {(WMO)}",
number = "1",
year = 2007

author = "Molini A.",
title = "WMO Field Inter--comparison of Rainfall Intensity Gauges",
type = "Vigna di {Valle}, {Rome}, {Italy}, {Mid} 2007 -- {Mid} 2008, {Data} {Manager} {Technical} {Report}",
institution="World Meteorological Organization {(WMO)}",
number = "2",
month = "sep",
year = 2007

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